The draft is when you pick your players. It consists of 15 rounds of picks and progresses turn by turn with each person in the league picking one player per turn. The order of the picks is chosen randomly when the draft starts. Each turn is between 30 seconds and 1 hour long depending on your league’s settings.

If you don’t pick a player within the allotted time, or are offline during the draft, a player will be picked for you automatically. You can read more about this below in the Autopick section.

The order of picks is reversed every round in what is also known as a Snake Draft. This means whoever picked first in the 1st round, picks last in the 2nd round and then first again in the 3rd round and so on. Whoever was last to pick in the 1st round will pick first in the 2nd round.

To illustrate, if Anne, Bill, Charles and David are in a league together, and the random draft order is: Bill, Anne, David, Charles. The picks would go as follows:

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 14 Round 15
Pick 1 Bill Charles Bill Bill Charles
Pick 2 Anne David Anne Anne David
Pick 3 David Anne David David Anne
Pick 4 Charles Bill Charles Charles Bill

Or in words: Bill would pick first, then Anne, then David, then Charles, then Charles again, then David, and so on until each person in the league has picked 15 players.

If you’re not online for the draft, or don’t pick a player within the allotted amount of time a player will be picked for you automatically.

The highest priority player in your autopick list that can fit into your squad is picked. You can set your autopick list and change it before and during the draft.

If your autopick list is empty, or no player can be picked from your autopick list due to squad constraints, or because they have already been picked, the highest rated player available will be picked for you. Each player has a rating between 0 and 100. This rating depends on how good we think they are. You can see each player’s rating in the player list. When two players have the same rating, the player whose name is first in the alphabet will be picked.

If you set auto-pick to on,  a player will be picked for you automatically when it is your turn. If you know you won’t be around for the draft, this is useful to speed things up. When autopick is set off, a player will only be picked for you automatically once the time limit for your turn ends.