We’ve had a lot of questions about points this week, so here’s a quick update explaining it all.

We get our data from Opta. Opta occasionally make corrections and this then affects fantasy player points.

This happened a few times this weekend and is also the reason that our points may not fully match those of other fantasy football games. We use the corrections and some other games don’t.

Moving forward we will be setting an earlier cutoff date for points updates to avoid this confusion.

This weekend one change that happened was Lloris being changed from 3 saves instead of 2 which means he only scored 6 points instead of the 7 that we originally gave him. The shot from Ciaran Clark in the 86th minute was determined to be off target so no save was given to Lloris.

Moving forward updates will be much quicker and will be shown in real time for Kante and Bonus points leagues on the pitch view.